School Uniform

Jumper/Cardigan – navy with school logo
Polo shirt – white
Trousers/Skirt/Pinafore – grey
Shoes – Black (Not trainers)
Socks/Tights – grey
Summer options– blue and white checked dress / grey shorts
White t-shirt (provided by school)
Navy shorts (provided by school)
Navy tracksuit bottoms (Winter – optional)
Navy sweatshirt (Winter – optional)
Trainers (outdoor PE) and black pumps (indoor PE)

Please ensure all items of clothing, including shoes are labelled with your child’s name
Footwear – It is essential that children wear suitable footwear for school that allows their feet adequate room and gives proper support and ventilation. For this reason, please do not send children to school wearing fashion shoes or trainers.
Jewellery – In order to ensure adequate safety standards, particularly in organised games and physical education, children should not wear jewellery, especially earrings while at school. Studs are allowed, but must be removed or covered over for PE and games.
All school uniform is available from Blueprint Designs in Rugeley or online through
A copy of our School Uniform policy can be found on the policies page on the website.