Curriculum Overview

Early Years
Our Early Years unit comprises of a Reception class (Acorn) and our Treetops Nursery with ‘Think 2’ provision.
At Forest Hills we ensure that ‘children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe,’ as stated in the Statutory Framework for EYFS.
We recognise that each child is unique and brings with them a diverse range of experiences. They therefore learn and develop in a variety of ways and at different rates. Staff use continuous assessments of the children to tailor a learning environment that is highly stimulating and provides a rich variety of imaginative and challenging learning opportunities.
Our aim is to build their confidence, self-esteem and resilience in order that they become independent learners. This will enable them to make progress towards the Early Learning Goals and to ensure ‘school readiness’ at the end of Reception. It will also provide them with opportunities to develop knowledge and skills that ensure a secure foundation for good progress through school and throughout their lives.
We have a successful track record of building positive, caring and working relationships with parents. We understand and value the contribution that parents play in their children’s development. We conduct home visits, induction meetings and stay and play sessions for new children starting within our setting. Throughout the year, we invite parents in for celebrations and workshops. We also have an open door policy which means parents can talk to the Early Years staff before or after school and ask any questions or discuss any concerns they may have. We also invite parents to transition sessions to support the children in progressing to the next stage of their education.
We value the impact of effective transition for all our children. We aim to ensure all of our children feel safe, secure and happy as they transition into their next stage of education. We do this through effectively planned transition processes that provide opportunity for our children to explore their new environment and build positive relationships with the key members of staff.
Key Stage One and Two
At Forest Hills Primary School, our long term plans map our curriculum for core and non-core subjects ensuring effective and purposeful links are made within our teaching and the children’s learning. We also teach French in Key Stage Two.
Teachers use the long and medium term plans to tailor lessons that meet the children’s individual needs. Lessons are differentiated to meet the needs of all children’s differing abilities, and in Mathematics and English children are grouped to facilitate this.
Alongside the academic curriculum, at Forest Hills Primary School, we ensure that we develop the ‘whole child’. Our school is fully committed to equal opportunities, multi-cultural education and the promotion of Modern British Values.

Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Education
At Forest Hills Primary School. personal, social, health and emotional (PSHE) education is an embedded part of our broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is at the heart of our school ethos. Our policy reflects our overarching curriculum intent in supporting our children to become healthy and responsible members of society, as well as preparing them for life and work in modern Britain.
Relationships Education
Relationships Education is complemented through an online resource called ‘SCARF’ (Coram Life Education). Coram Life Education takes a three strand approach addressing children’s knowledge, skills and attitudes, and programmes are aligned with the National Curriculum (Citizenship, PSHE Education), covering all Key Stages. Coram Life Education helps schools meet their statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education, children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development, and Ofsted inspection criteria for personal development, behaviour and welfare.
Meeting all DfE requirements for statutory Relationships and Health Education, and mapped to the PSHE Association programmes of study, SCARF is a framework consisting of lesson plans, online planning, assessment and Ofsted tools to give teachers skills and confidence to embed a comprehensive RSHE, PSHE and Wellbeing programme throughout the primary years. SCARF is a whole-school approach to promoting behaviour, safety, achievement and wellbeing.
Our school SRE policy can be found on the policies page of this website.
A PDF version of the full National Curriculum can be obtained from our school office.
Long Term Planning by Year Group:
Cycle A
Cycle B